Case Report: Hearing Issues

Case Report: Hearing Issues

Over the past few months, we have worked with three Amish girls who had extreme hearing reduction on one or both ears. One girl is 8 years old and had reduced hearing in one ear for about a year after a sickness last Fall. Another girl (13) experienced the same...
Superficial Layers and Cellulite

Superficial Layers and Cellulite

We use the term “superficial” to mean “situated or occurring on the skin or immediately beneath it” ( In our work with tuning forks and VFRT, we find most of the pain points and mobility restrictions in the outer superficial and...
Can tuning forks stimulate the vagus nerve?

Can tuning forks stimulate the vagus nerve?

We are often asked in our classes about nerve stimulation, and I wanted to discuss this topic with you as this subject if often shared throughout the sound healing community. At NEHC Academy, we feel it’s extremely important to understand the mechanisms and...
Tuning forks and autism

Tuning forks and autism

At NEHC, we have a few theories about autism based on the patterns we have seen with working on clients using our weighted tuning forks. We believe that the same problems we see with many ailments and conditions as a result of too much interstitial fluid in our body...