Case Study Update: We have posted previously about having success with tremors with an Amish lady. Bobbi Jo started working on her in June, and at the time she had full tremors in both hands and up her arms. This was the result of an accident where she struck the back...
Bobbi Jo had confirmation today of a 5yr old Amish boy with resolution of a clubbed foot. His right foot was turned inward and thickened on the outside edge. She performed one treatment on his foot about a month ago. Today they returned and the foot was still straight...
Bobbi Jo worked on a 14 yr old Amish boy about a month ago who had Tourette “tick” symptoms of both a facial twitch with eye blinking and a noticeable sound like clearing the throat. He was officially diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome by...
Bobbi Jo worked on three different Amish boys in the past month and resolved all of these issues. They were from three different families as well. One boy had a lisp where his “Fs” came out as “Ps”. He is “Poor years old”. One boy...
Down Syndrome case study with our Amish clients: We saw a second family yesterday with a Down Syndrome child. Technically, that would be three people with Down Syndrome because we suspect a baby in the first family to also have it based on the obvious visual clues...