Case Study Trigeminal Nerve Pain

Case Study Trigeminal Nerve Pain

An Amish man come in with a diagnosed trigeminal nerve pain in his face just below the left eye. He was hit in the face by a tree limb in March, and the pain has been excruciating to the point that he is experiencing 4 to 5 episodes pain “surges”...
Case Report Down Syndrome, Autism, and Depression

Case Report Down Syndrome, Autism, and Depression

This is an update on our Amish clients with Down Syndrome, Autism, and Depression.We have 4 clients who have one of these conditions or ailments which have symptoms similar to each other with behavioral aspects of anger, anti-social, and lack of desire to perform...
Case Report: Babies with Cranial Deformities

Case Report: Babies with Cranial Deformities

I wanted to post on this separate from the other post concerning our cranial pressure release protocol results because this is something different. We have recently seen three young children who are around a year old or below who have what appears to be a buckling or...
Case Report: Glaucoma

Case Report: Glaucoma

This glaucoma case study is coming from one of our Amish clients. Bobbi Jo started tuning fork vibration therapy treatments on her in August for glaucoma. She had been wearing glasses since childhood, but she only started experiencing the pressure build up associated...