Trigger Finger In this condition, the index or thumb is experiencing a “catching” or feeling of locking of the normal movement. Sometimes there is a popping sound heard when moving a trigger finger which is one of the reasons for the name. The cause of Trigger Finger...
Bursitis The medical definition of this condition focuses on inflamed bursa sacs located in the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, heal, and big toe. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac designed to cushion the motion where softer tissue like muscle and tendons stretch and move...
Lower Back and Hip Pain Protocol: Healer Logic: Results of long-term posture and movement. Starting Protocol: Start at the top of the postage stamp and press down against the top edge of the postage stamp using a butterfly grip. Hold at an angle over the edge of the...
Starting a sound healing business In this lesson, we are going to follow the outline on this page to show how Bobbi Jo and Andrew Weaver started New Earth Healing Center LLC and progressed to our first paying client. Video with a static image. This is an audio file...
Practice performing the Vibrational Fascia Release Technique (TM) on two people. They can be family, friends, or paying clients. Use the striking, sensing, and placement methods learned in this course. Do not combine complementary modalities with your case study...