Nervous System: Definition in Wikipedia states that a nervous system “coordinates its actions by transmitting signals to and from different parts of its body. The nervous system detects environmental changes that impact the body, then works in tandem with the...
Redefining Inflammation: When we started working on-the-body and focusing on inflammation, we conducted a lot of research on inflammation and quickly realized there were not only many different definitions, but there was also no good definition that matched what we...
The Three Phases of Healing: Many of our clients ask how long the healing they are receiving will last. My answer is always the same. If we have acknowledged and eliminated the source of the issue, then the healing should technically last indefinitely. However, if we...
Healer Logic: Results of lifestyle decisions. Foot and leg pain is usually caused from fluid pressure in the extremities or a localized fascial restriction. Starting Protocol: Begin at the back of the upper thigh and palpate down the leg to feel for fluid, lumps, hard...
Headaches and Migraines: Face Pain Protocol: Time 6 mins 34 secs (Updated 6/16/2019) This image shows some of the underlying issues that can cause headaches and why we start here. (1) The lymph nodes wrap to the back of the skull and can swell up causing the...