Course Access Directions

Congratulations on the purchase of your online course. Here is how you access your course.

Are you already logged in as an existing student?

Click on the Training Profile button at the top of the screen to access your course. 

Are you a new student?

We created an account for you with a username and password at checkout. You should see the Log Out button at the top of the screen if you are logged in. Click on the Training Profile button at the top of the screen to access your course. You must be logged in to see the Training Profile button and access your course content. We also emailed your account information (see below).

We sent you some emails about your new account and course

Check for three emails from NEHC Academy after checkout. If you do not see any email, please check your spam filter. 

We sent an email with your new Username and Password. You can change the password on your account page after login. If you didn’t find the Account email, you can still log in using your email address and the reset password link on the log in page. 

We also sent you two emails for the purchase of the course. Both emails act as a receipt and provide a link directly to the course with a link “Start This Course”. Please remember to log in first before using this link. You do not need to use these emails to log into the course. You can go to our website and use the Log In button and the top of the screen and find the Training Profile button to access the course page. 

Still having problems?

Email us at