Down Syndrome case study with our Amish clients:
We saw a second family yesterday with a Down Syndrome child. Technically, that would be three people with Down Syndrome because we suspect a baby in the first family to also have it based on the obvious visual clues that go along with this syndrome. The two families are from the same geographical location in lower Michigan within a 20-mile radius, but they are not related to each other as far as we know.
Statistically speaking, the odds are very low to have that many Down Syndrome people within the same geographic location. We believe the cause of this syndrome to be the age in which the mothers are having children. Amish women do not use birth control methods, so they will continue to have children until they naturally stop.
In the non-Amish community, a mother would be considered high risk and put on specific care plans with testing protocols to determine any genetic deformities within the womb. Amish women in our area only rely on a midwife and are likely not to have testing and follow a high risk care plan.
So far, we have only been treating them for typical pain and mobility ailments instead of focusing directly on the syndrome. The older girl is in her mid-twenties and unable to communicate verbally. She understands the Amish Pennsylvania Dutch, but she doesn’t understand English. They have no plan to teach her English. I reported in a previous post that her sister was assigned to be her caretaker, and this was a constant challenge as she would refuse everything asked of her all day long. Bobbi Jo performed one treatment with our tuning fork vibration therapy focusing on draining the fluid pressure from the cranium which has changed her behavior dramatically after the first treatment. She has been back twice since then and the good behavior remains. She appears to enjoy the treatments and communicates the areas of pain by tapping on Bobbi Jo’s arm and putting her hand on the spot of pain. When she is no longer in pain, she will look directly at Bobbi Jo and smile before getting off the bed.
Due to the volume of Amish clients coming in with their entire family, we are able to see patterns and track results better than we ever have in the past. This is a very good opportunity to see the results to long-term treatments on ailments, conditions, and syndromes where we have no expectations of resolving birth-related genetic conditions. Even if something cannot be resolved because of a birth deformity, they still has normal aches, pains, and conditions like everyone else. Physical biologic processes do not change so neither will our tuning fork vibration therapy response.