VFRT3_M1_L1 Introduction

Welcome to the NEHC’s Instrument Assisted Vibration Therapy (IAVT) course. This comprehensive online course serves as the foundation for your journey into the world of Vibration Therapy using a 128hz weighted tuning fork. Whether you’re a mom looking to provide care for your family, a practitioner seeking to expand your business, or a licensed healthcare professional venturing into new therapeutic techniques, this course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and core skills necessary to succeed.

Our unique method of Vibration Therapy is rooted in the basic concepts of physiology, with a particular focus on the fascial system, interstitial fluid, body systems, and the musculo-skeletal system. You will delve into the physics of mechanical vibration as it applies to our chosen instrument, the 128hz weighted tuning fork. We will guide you through the process of palpating for fluid pressure pockets, trigger points, areas of pain, and mobility restrictions, enabling you to interpret tissue quality and determine the optimal location for the first tuning fork placement. The core skills you will acquire include gripping and striking a tuning fork, positioning it at the correct angle to elicit the desired physiological response, interpreting feedback to inform subsequent placements, and understanding the appropriate pressure to apply against the skin. You will also learn about different levels of edema, from a micro environment to a general region of the body, and how to manage the release and movement of pressurized fluid to allow for palpation into the deeper tissue layers.

This course will also provide you with a deep understanding of the human body’s fluid systems, including the circulatory and lymphatic systems, and the role of interstitial fluid in the extracellular matrix. You will explore the different types of tissues, with a special focus on connective tissue and the role of ‘builder cells’. We will delve into the concept of fluid containers in the body, the terminology of membranes, and the types of epithelial cells. The course will also cover the causes and management of pressurized fluid pockets and the role of inflammation and toxins in the human body.

By the end of this course, you will be prepared for the practical application class, where you will practice the skills and apply basic anatomy and physiology knowledge in a hands-on environment. This course is the gateway to a unique, non-invasive, and efficient approach to pain relief and overall wellness. It is the prerequisite to a deeper understanding and application of Vibration Therapy.

As you navigate through this manual, you will find it to be a comprehensive guide, designed with a level of detail that caters to both beginners and professionals just starting to learn about anatomy and physiology. This course is currently provided completely online, allowing you to complete it at your own pace before moving on to live classes or additional online training for specific pathologies and protocols.

We are excited to have you on this journey with us. Let’s begin.

Welcome to your Vibration Therapy course. As a student in this program, you are embarking on a journey to learn and master a variety of methods and techniques that can help improve the health and well-being of your future clients. However, with this knowledge comes a significant responsibility. It is crucial that you understand and adhere to the professional, legal, and ethical standards that govern the practice of vibration therapy.

One of your primary responsibilities is to ensure that your actions do not violate any licensing requirements. The scope of practice for vibration therapists can vary widely depending on the jurisdiction, and it is your responsibility to know and understand the laws and regulations that apply to you. Before applying any of the methods or techniques outlined in this manual, you should confirm that they are within your scope of practice. If you are unsure, consult with your local governing body, a trusted mentor, or a legal advisor.

Another important responsibility is to recognize when it is not appropriate to perform vibration therapy on a client. There can be many contraindications to vibration therapy, including certain medical conditions, injuries, or other factors that could make treatment unsafe. If you have any doubts about whether it is safe to work with a client, you should err on the side of caution and refer the client to another healthcare professional.

Remember, the methods, techniques, actions, and demonstrations provided during this course are for informational purposes only. They are intended to enhance your understanding and skills, but they do not replace the need for professional judgment and adherence to legal and ethical standards. Always apply professional reasoning and consider the unique needs and circumstances of each client when deciding how to apply what you have learned.

In conclusion, your journey to becoming a skilled vibration therapist involves more than just mastering techniques. It also involves understanding and navigating the legal and ethical landscape of your profession. By taking these responsibilities seriously, you can help ensure the safety and well-being of your clients and uphold the standards of our profession.

Welcome to your VFRT Online Training. Start here and work your way through the content in each Module in order. At the end of each Lesson or “page”, make sure you click on the green MARK COMPLETE button before going on to the next Lesson. This step is very important to keep track of the progression through your course.

Look to your left to see the workflow for each Module. You can use this left-side menu to navigate through and review Lessons you have already completed. The green checkmarks indicate you have marked the lesson complete.

Notice that each Module has a Case Study, a request for a Skill Check meeting with your instructor, a quiz, and the Skill Check as the final activity in the Module. Do each one of these activities in order with the final Module activity as the Skill Check. Your instructor will meet with you and review your progress then mark the Skill Check complete so you can move to the next Module.

Student Manual

Click on the Download button to access your electronic student manual. The information from this manual is also available in the appropriate lessons. Some curriculum in this course might not be included in the manual. Please make your own updates and notes as needed.

VFRT uses the 128hz weighted tuning fork together with distinct core skills of palpation, grip, strike, placement, and pressure against the skin for rapid relief of pain and restoration of mobility throughout the body.

At NEHC Academy, we have established specific protocol groups designed to encompass patterns of conditions based primarily on medical diagnosis, location in the body, and unique aspects of a condition specific to the type of tissue and restrictions involved. Each protocol group includes a step-by-step starting process, healer logic, and application of core skills to relieve most conditions within a single session. Some protocol groups may only include using healer logic and knowledge gained within the other protocol groups to work directly on the area of pain and restriction.

VFRT focuses mainly on the soft “connective” tissue of the body where pain and restriction is a result of collagen fascia fibers and pressurized fluids working together to press against pain receptors, pinch or compress nerve bundles, reduce blood flow, and prevent the lymphatic system from removing fluids from these enclosed “interstitial” spaces. We use a combination of vibration and compression from the tuning fork to directly affect the collagen fascia fibers and compressed fluids where the restriction either “releases” or “resolves” completely to return a restricted area back to normal function.

With VFRT, we use our hands to feel or palpate the skin to identify exact locations to place the tuning fork with each strike, and we continue to monitor the status of each placement with our feedback hand. The combination of vibration and compression of the fascia provides immediate changes which can be felt by both the therapist and client. Through training and experience, our VFRT Therapists use their 10 Core Skills and established methods and protocols to bring about immediate changes sometimes not possible with typical hand-based bodywork and manual manipulation. Recent Fascia Research studies have determined the need for both stretching and vibrating the cells of the body to cause a change to the current operating condition. Tuning forks provide both properties of change, and VFRT combines skill and knowledge for a new way of thinking when it comes to healing the body through fascia and fluids.