Dupuytren’s Contracture In the image below, we can see a common progression of Dupuytren’s Contracture where there is a thickening of the palmer fascia around the flexor tendons causing the fingers to permanently bend or contract. The ring finger is most commonly...
Trigger Finger In this condition, the index or thumb is experiencing a “catching” or feeling of locking of the normal movement. Sometimes there is a popping sound heard when moving a trigger finger which is one of the reasons for the name. The cause of Trigger Finger...
Bursitis The medical definition of this condition focuses on inflamed bursa sacs located in the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, heal, and big toe. A bursa is a fluid-filled sac designed to cushion the motion where softer tissue like muscle and tendons stretch and move...
Wrapping the body to increase effectiveness of your tuning forks. We have been working with our Saturday edema client for several months now, and the edema fluid in his legs is completely gone and it hasn’t returned in over a month. This past week we just...
Working on the bottom of the foot. We posted a few weeks ago about having success with a fallen arch. Bobbi Jo had worked on this lady’s plantar surface in the location where you see her fork in the larger image. We can now theorize that the fascia is building...