Fundamentals of Tuning Forks: Listen to the audio file of the written text on the History of Tuning Forks. History: Understanding the origins of the tuning forks depends on whether you consider the instrument from the viewpoint of a musician, a scientist, a...
Techniques for striking a weighted tuning fork: There are many techniques from multiple sources on ways to strike and place tuning forks on or off the body for various reasons. Each technique is based on the knowledge, experience, and beliefs of the person providing...
Homework: Practice sensing and striking starting with 5 minutes on day one. Increase the practice time each day at a rate that is comfortable to you. Take a day off if your hands need to recover. The goal to reach for this first month as around 20 minutes. This...
Redefining Inflammation: When we started working on-the-body and focusing on inflammation, we conducted a lot of research on inflammation and quickly realized there were not only many different definitions, but there was also no good definition that matched what we...