1912 Hand and Wrist Nerves

Nerves: The Control and Sensation Network The hand is innervated by three main nerves: the median, ulnar, and radial nerves. These nerves are like the electrical wiring of the hand, transmitting signals from the brain to control muscles and provide sensation: Median...

1911 Rotator Cuff

The image presents a comparative view of a healthy shoulder versus one with rotator cuff problems. On the left, we see a normal shoulder structure. The humerus, or upper arm bone, is in position, articulating with the scapula, or shoulder blade, at the glenohumeral...

1916 Tennis Elbow Pathology

The image depicts a condition commonly known as Tennis Elbow, highlighting the lateral (outside) side of the right arm. The elbow joint, where this condition is focused, involves the distal end of the humerus, the upper arm bone, which is labeled at the top left....

1912 Hand and Wrist Blood Supply

Blood Supply: The Lifelines of the Hand The hand’s blood supply is primarily provided by the radial and ulnar arteries, two major vessels that branch off from the brachial artery in the forearm. These arteries are like the main highways delivering essential...