7201 Hand and Wrist Glossary

Abduction: The movement of the fingers away from the middle finger to spread them apart. Controlled by the dorsal interossei muscles. Adduction: The movement of the fingers toward the middle finger to bring them together. Controlled by the palmar interossei muscles....

1208 Abdomen Glossary

Abduction: The movement of the fingers away from the middle finger to spread them apart. Controlled by the dorsal interossei muscles. Adduction: The movement of the fingers toward the middle finger to bring them together. Controlled by the palmar interossei muscles....

1202 Forearm and Elbow Glossary

Abduction: The movement of the fingers away from the middle finger to spread them apart. Controlled by the dorsal interossei muscles. Adduction: The movement of the fingers toward the middle finger to bring them together. Controlled by the palmar interossei muscles....

7201 Hand and Wrist Glossary

Abduction: The movement of the fingers away from the middle finger to spread them apart. Controlled by the dorsal interossei muscles. Adduction: The movement of the fingers toward the middle finger to bring them together. Controlled by the palmar interossei muscles....