7201 Learning Objectives

Course Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. Understand the 5 P’s of Effective Vibration Therapy: Grasp the concepts of Pathology, Preparation, Palpation, Placement, and Prognosis, and their roles in vibration therapy.
  2. Pathology and Physiology Proficiency: Learn the pathology and physiology of hand and wrist areas for effective treatment.
  3. Tissue Preparation Techniques: Master the use of heat and percussion tools for preparing tissue, understanding their impacts on tissue physiology.
  4. Palpation for Pain Pockets: Develop skills to identify pain pockets or trigger points in the tissue.
  5. Placement and Protocol of the Tuning Fork: Learn to correctly implement the tuning fork protocol, including the right placement and angle for optimal therapy.
  6. Interpretation of Body’s Signals: Enhance understanding of the body’s interconnectedness and ability to interpret its signals for effective treatment.
  7. Evaluation of Treatment Outcome: Learn to evaluate the outcome of the treatment, adapting the prognosis and progression plan based on patient feedback.
  8. Application of VFRT in Hand and Wrist Treatment: Apply VFRT specifically for hand and wrist treatment, understanding the unique aspects of these areas.
  9. Understand Grip and Strike Technique: Learn the correct methods for gripping and striking the tuning forks to achieve optimal vibration quality.
  10. Develop Palpation Skills: Gain proficiency in palpating to identify normal and abnormal tissue conditions, enabling precise placement of the tuning fork.
  11. Master Pressure Application: Learn to apply the appropriate amount of pressure for effective treatment, ensuring deep tissue engagement without causing discomfort.
  12. Effective Placement Techniques: Understand the importance of accurate placement of the tuning fork for targeting specific treatment areas.
  13. Utilize Feedback Mechanisms: Learn to interpret feedback from the tuning fork and the client to adjust treatment approach effectively.
  14. Apply Healer Logic: Develop the ability to set proper expectations for each session and choose appropriate treatment protocols based on client needs.
  15. Implement Press and Push Technique: Understand and practice the technique to facilitate fluid movement and release pressure.
  16. Execute Jump Foot Slide Technique: Learn this technique for moving fluid through the body, especially in areas with limited space.
  17. Resolution and Accountability: Understand the importance of resolving issues within the session and holding oneself accountable for the client’s progress.
  18. Integrate Core Skills in VFRT: Combine all core skills effectively to maximize the therapeutic benefits of VFRT.
  19. Understand Palpation Techniques: Learn to effectively palpate the hand and wrist to identify fluid pockets, tight muscles, and areas requiring treatment.
  20. Master Specific VFRT Techniques: Gain proficiency in the scoop, sliding, and scraping techniques specific to hand and wrist treatment.
  21. Apply Tuning Fork Correctly: Acquire skills to position and use the tuning fork effectively for optimal therapeutic effect.
  22. Identify and Treat Common Hand Conditions: Develop the ability to recognize and address conditions like Dupuytren’s Contracture and Trigger Finger using VFRT.
  23. Implement Tailored VFRT Strategies: Adapt VFRT methods to address individual patient needs and specific hand and wrist issues.
  24. Assess Treatment Outcomes: Learn to evaluate the effectiveness of VFRT in relieving pain, reducing swelling, and improving mobility in the hand and wrist.